Ultimate Style Guide: Elevate Your Whole Family’s Look

Ultimate Style Guide
Elevate Your Whole Family’s Look

Want to look amazing and polished for your upcoming lifestyle family session? Of course you do! Read on to learn what to wear and how to prepare…


Coordinate to elevate

Coordinate your looks–rather than matching–for stunning, timeless images. I recommend assembling your wardrobes as if they are all part of one outfit. Place a bunch of contenders on your bed. One piece of clothing may pull in a color or pattern from another. Keep patterns subtle and mixed with lots of solids to keep the gaze on you guys and not your chevron. Casual attire feels modern and real, while getting dressed up will lend a formality and elegance to your photos. Whether you show up in your Sunday best, beachy linen or boho chic, make sure you’re all sporting the same vibe.

Your color palette

Choose either a light or dark color palette to harmonize your family portraits. Use neutrals liberally (cream, khaki, navy, brown, grey, jean), paired with pops of color (1-3 accents). You can achieve a perfect balance by alternating the color pops of your tops and bottoms interspersed with those neutrals. Add in black or white mindfully with a keen eye to avoid too much contrast. Softer colors are more flexible in varying scenes and lighting conditions. Keep in mind our setting and the colors in your environment–whether a park landscape filled with earth tones or your home’s interior with your Agreeable Gray or Blank Canvas walls.

The perfect fit

Closely-fitted clothing tends to be more flattering on camera. Select tops with at least a three-quarter sleeve as our eyes are naturally drawn to skin and we want the viewer’s attention to be on your faces. Tights or shorts under skirts and dresses keep posing options versatile. Amp up your outfit with layers and accessories. A layered look adds texture and will keep you comfortable in many weather conditions. Jackets, sweaters and scarves are all fun to play around with. Try hats, hair accessories, belts, glasses and statement jewelry too. Your shoes should be stylish but practical to walk, run, chase and jump around in.

Hair & makeup

Be expressive with your hair & makeup or go au naturel, but choose a look that feels authentically you. My clients almost always love their photos more when it “feels like them”. You can totally treat yourself to a blowout or beach waves, but if you never ever straighten your hair, you might want to give that hairstyle a test drive on a date night rather than capture it for a collection of keepsake wall art above your sofa. A face-framing hairstyle always looks great. Moms should wear lipstick or lip gloss. Opt for lip balm for dads and kids. Give a little consideration to everyone’s fingernails–clean and trimmed or manicured. Bring a brush, comb and any makeup you would like to have for touch ups before you get on set, including powder to reduce shine. Have a peek at 5 Wardrobe + 5 Hair & Makeup Secrets to Get Camera-Ready for Your Professional Headshots for more more in depth hair & makeup tips.

Props (and bribes)

Your faces and personalities will be the stars of the show, but props can add a storytelling element and bring out genuine expressions. Bring along fun or meaningful (attractive) props, like a favorite hobby, a child’s chair, hats, sunglasses, a wooden toy, a stuffed animal/doll, blankets or something festive. Feel free to think out of the box here!

I always aim to keep mood light and the expectations modest. It’s totally fine and expected that young kids may need to warm up or run the gamut of emotions during a session. The best we can do is to accept and allow for that, keep ourselves regulated, and parents–you just keep smiling on set for that magical moment when they do too. Here’s where the bribes may come in. If you have a little one (who may or may not be having a moment), a promise of their favorite candy or an ice cream after can be helpful to elicit their sugary-sweet smiles. Bubbles, balls and dogs may do the trick too. I’m pretty well known for my patience so we can just wait it out too if you’re in the no bribery camp. No judgement either way!

Bonus Tips

Rest, hydrate and fuel up

Get plenty of sleep the night before. We know you have kids, so do your best! Load up on the recommended 8 glasses of water on the day(s) leading up to your session. Enjoy a light, healthy meal or snack and drink of water just beforehand too. That’s a good foundation for bright smiles and radiant skin (and to ensure no one is hangry!). Pack mess-free finger foods and wet wipes for young children plus water for everyone.

Bring the joy

You’ve read all my favorite time-tested recommendations to look your stylish, on-trend best for your family session. But, what if your daughter won’t wear what you picked out and your son spit up on your dress? No worries. I’ve had people show up in all kinds of outfits for all kinds of reasons, so do what makes you happy or what you can manage and get ready to have fun! We’ll capture your now with a variety of portraits and action shots that will warm your heart for years to come. Ultimately, there are no rules. The most important thing is the energy you bring and the love you share. Plus–your kids are adorable!

Shine on set,

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